Kyrgyzstan Proxy

Gain an edge in Kyrgyzstan’s digital market. Experience power, reliability, and efficiency with NetNut’s dedicated proxies.
Genuine Kyrgyzstani IP addresses
High-speed connections
Designed for business-critical tasks

Trusted by Leading Data Companies

Lenovo logo
RocketReach: Fueling Your Sales Outreach
Apify: Powering Data Extraction with Innovative Technology -Your Data Extraction Partner

Superior Speed: Drive Results

Achieve optimum speeds with our Kyrgyzstan proxies, ensuring smooth data collection, market analysis, or any online business operation within Kyrgyzstan.

Ultra-fast response rates

Reduced downtime

Built for high-capacity tasks

Authentic IPs: Genuine Digital Interactions

Immerse yourself genuinely in Kyrgyzstan’s online domain. With proxies from real users, NetNut ensures you interact like a local, minimizing detection risks.

User-based IPs for genuineness

Maximum privacy guaranteed

Authentically represent as a Kyrgyzstani online

Reliable Connectivity

No interruptions, only seamless operations.

Absolute Anonymity

Surf without ever being traced.

Versatility at its Best

Fit for various business requirements.

Round-the-Clock Support

Help is always at hand.

Scalable Solutions

Grow as your business expands.


Quality doesn't always mean expensive.

Featured in

Introducing NetNut's Dashboard

Get ready to experience unmatched control and insights with our user-friendly dashboard tailored to your needs.

NetNut proxy generator
Real-time static proxy control

Real-time proxy management

Monitor and adjust your proxies with just a few clicks

Detailed usage stats

Comprehensive analytics

Track your usage and performance with detailed statistics.

Static Proxy Customization

Customizable settings

Fine-tune your proxies for optimal performance and results.

Worldwide Customer Base
0 +
ISP Partners
0 +
Industry Expertise Years
0 +
Monthly Routed Requests
0 B+

Why Working with Our Proxies

Orange pseudo


NetNut’s architecture is unique in its ability to provide rotating residential proxies with one-hop connectivity. The traffic is not routed through end users’ devices, so there is no bottleneck in the traffic flow.



All traffic is routed exclusively through the NetNut network; no third-party computers are utilized. As a result, there won’t be any disconnections or interruptions in the proxy network.

Blue pseudo


NetNut guarantees the quality of its service, as all the servers are located on major internet routes or at ISP network connectivity points that are completely controlled by NetNut.

Purple pseudo


Get the most from our proxy rotation service with the finest support from a dedicated account manager. Full integration support will be provided along with remote sessions if needed.

Green Pseudo

Rotation Residental Proxies Pricing

Unlimited connections for all packages, prices subject to change based on use cases

Starter $7.07/GB

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14GB plan



Advanced $6.94/GB

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36GB plan



Production $6.65/GB

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75GB plan



Semi-Pro $5.70/GB

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175GB plan



Professional $4.99/GB

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400GB plan



Master $3.75/GB

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1TB plan



Starter $6/GB

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14GB plan



Advanced $5.91/GB

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36GB plan



Production $5.65/GB

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75GB plan



Semi-Pro $4.85/GB

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175GB plan



Professional $4.24/GB

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400GB plan



Master $3.18/GB

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1TB plan



All plans include

City/State Selection

API Access

IP Whitelist

Dedicated account manager

Frequently Asked Questions

Discover Answers to Your Burning Questions with Our FAQ Section.

How Do I Setup a Free Trial Account?

To set up a free trial account, follow these steps:

1. Sign up on our website.
2. Contact our sales team through WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype, email, or live chat.
3. Clearly explain how you intend to use our proxies, including the type of product, target domains, use case, and required bandwidth.

Once we understand your needs, we’ll get your free trial account up and running!

Absolutely. By default, NetNut Residential Proxies are designed to rotate. Instead of offering a single, unchanging IP like static proxies, our rotating residential proxies give you a wide range of IP addresses to access. This ensures that you’re assigned a fresh, random IP at specified or random intervals based on your session preferences.

We accept a variety of payment options including PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Bank Wire, and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

Yes. We’re offering 3\6\12 month plans. Please contact our sales team for more information

In our billing model, the bandwidth usage is calculated as the sum of data transmitted to and from the target site, which includes request headers, request data, response headers, and response data. For request-based plans, we only charge for successful requests.

Free Webinar with
Eitan Bremler

Eitan Bremler: VP of Products, NetNut

Webinar: Boost Your Affiliate Marketing
With Proxies & Anti-Detect Browser